Built for More:
Housing Justice at DuPage and Chicago South Suburbs Habitat for Humanity
Where building homes and advocating for fair housing meet.
Our mission and history are rooted in equity:
In 1942, Koinonia Farm was formed by two families who believed in breaking the holds of segregation. The families built an interracial residence in Americus, Georgia, where all people were treated equally, while sharing resources and responsibility in order to be wise stewards of the land and community. Even though Koinonia Farm was excommunicated from their church and larger town – the families deeply believed in the importance of fighting for justice and the right to a decent place to live.
In 1965, Millard and Linda Fuller who would be the founders of Habitat for Humanity International, arrived at Koinonia Farm in search of new meaning for their lives. The Fullers learned about working as a community for the greater good and the concept of partnership housing. From there, the Fund for Humanity was created which is now known as the Habitat model which is centered on those in need working alongside volunteers to build decent and affordable homes. Through no interest loans provided by supporters and fundraising, families could become homeowners in otherwise impossible situations.
In 1976, Habitat for Humanity International was officially founded with its headquarters in Americus, Georgia, keeping in spirit and in action, the foundational belief that justice must be sought after and that everyone deserves a place to call home.
Habitat for Humanity's vision for equity:
“Habitat for Humanity International is fiercely committed to doing the work that brings equity to our efforts and helps bring justice to the communities in which we work.” CEO of Habitat International, Jonathan Reckford
Why equity isn't a zero sum game:
When the nation targets support where it is needed most — when we create the circumstances that allow those who have been left behind to participate and contribute fully — everyone wins.
- Learn about the state of Women and Wealth in celebration of women build here
Learn more about our advocacy & policy efforts: